Integrating SurveyMonkey

Sync SurveyMonkey with Greenspark to seamlessly add impact to your forms.

What can you do with SurveyMonkey and Greenspark?

Connect your SurveyMonkey account with Greenspark to:
Incentivise form completions by offering an impact for each submissions.
Allow users to choose their impact when completing a form.
SurveyMonkey is a leading online survey platform that helps organizations gather actionable insights through customizable surveys and feedback forms.
About Greenspark
Greenspark is the only tool you need to seamlessly add impact and automate your sustainability strategy.

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We absolutely love using Greenspark! It's a really phenomenal service and the widgets and integrations have been very seamless and easy for us to use across the entire site. Support for this integration has also been phenomenal any time we have questions.
Phoenix Aurelius
Director, Phoenix Aurelius Research Academy
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